Subjective Units of Distress Scale

Rating the Intensity of Your Emotions Naming your emotions tells you what your feel.  The SUD scale tells you how much you feel.  In the 1950s psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe developed a scale to help patients rate their discomfort or distress in increments 0f 0 to 100.  This measure, known as the Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale, or SUDS, has become a standard means of self-evaluating individual experience.  We use a simplified version of the scale, with increments of 0 to 10.  Considering that what brings people to seek out [...]

Subjective Units of Distress Scale2020-10-07T17:39:35+00:00

Booster Polarity Reversal

This is the remedy of the first resort.  As its name implies, these add-on polarity reversals amplify, or “boost,” the effectiveness of the standard ones.  In most cases, these booster reversals will eliminate any residual reversals and help you get to 0, or to the level that you want to be.  There are two booster reversals: Repeat three times while rubbing the Chest site:  “I deeply and completely accept myself, even if I am not completely over this problem.” Repeat three times while tapping the [...]

Booster Polarity Reversal2020-10-07T17:16:34+00:00

Bridge and Eye Roll

Throughout these exercises, keep your head level, facing straight ahead.  Move only your eyes, not your head. This is a part of the Protocol for all emotional targets. It fits between two Tap Sequences and serves to activate various regions of the brain as you activate the Back of Hand treatment site. Eye Roll Begin with your eyes closed. Open your eyes, look down (at the floor if you’re standing, or into your lap if you’re sitting), and with your eyes, slowly trace an imaginary [...]

Bridge and Eye Roll2020-10-07T18:04:05+00:00

ESM Tap Locations

Here are all the tap treatment points that you will use.  Most of these sites are bilateral, meaning that there is a tap site on either side of the body.  Chest:  This is the only site that employs rubbing instead of tapping.  The Chest spot is located above the heart, about three inches off the center line of the body.  It is sometimes referred to as the “sore spot,” because in many people the spot is tender compared to the [...]

ESM Tap Locations2020-10-07T20:48:52+00:00

Emotional Trauma

Tap sequence for Emotional Trauma Check SUDS Balanced Breathing Polarity Reversals Tap Sequence: Eyebrow → Outside Eye  → Under Eye  → Under Arm  → Collarbone  → Thumbnail  → Under Arm  → Collarbone  → Little Fingernail  → Collarbone  → Index Fingernail   Bridge Repeat Tap Sequence Recheck SUDS Eye Roll Choose a statement that fits the situation most closely or use a variation that feels appropriate to your situation. INTENTION STATEMENT—ANGER “I forgive them/him/her, because they could not have done differently.” Alternatives: “I forgive him/her but I do hold him/her accountable.” I let go of this [...]

Emotional Trauma2020-10-07T17:17:32+00:00

Balanced Breathing

Balanced breathing takes about two minutes.  Sitting in a straight-back chair is best, but Balanced Breathing can be done while lying down or in a standing position. 1. Cross your left ankle over your right ankle. 2. Extend both arms straight out in front of you. 3. Cross your right arm over your left arm at the wrist. 4. Rotate the palms of your hands so that they are facing and interlock your fingers. 5. Rotate your hands down toward your stomach. 6. Continue [...]

Balanced Breathing2020-10-07T17:25:51+00:00

Neuro-Muscular Feedback

To give yourself a simple demonstration of neuromuscular feedback, all you need is a few minutes with a willing partner to serve as tester,  Your partner does not need to know any background or detail; all they have to do is follow these simple instructions. This is the position for conducting neuromuscular feedback. This will be used for checking polarity. 1 Palm to head Place your hand lightly on top of your head, palm down.  It doesn’t matter which hand you use.  Hold the [...]

Neuro-Muscular Feedback2020-10-07T17:09:40+00:00
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